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Friday, October 28, 2005

5:56 PM Y

Post title : *sAd2 dAe*
You'll never know the real me.

niari faizal tak ambik aku alik keje..die ckp die kuar ngan family die..ntah le caye ke tak...haiz..die uat aku sot siak...smlm 1mth pon die uat bdh..skakat wish jek..pas 2 die kuar ngan zakir sumer cari baju kurung.tak ajak aku pon..tersinggung hati aku kejap..pi takpe..tak pasal..mayb die nak kuar ngan leleki jek..aku phm...alik die tak msg..senang kate ape2 pon die tak msg uh...aku yg nak kene initiate d 1st move..sumer aku..aku g aner,uatpe,ngan sape,da alik lom ke ape ke aner ader die tanye atau ambik kisah..mcm aku takde matair siak... uat ape aku suke...tapi bkn 2 yg aku nk..kenape faizal tak phm??mungkin die mmg tak penah syg aku..2 sbb die mcm ni...tapi asl die ngan aku?ape motive dier?..lau die tak syg aku ckp uh ngan aku..aku le jln uh dari idop dier..tak nak susah kan hidop dier uh...dier uat otak aku mati uh...aku sayang die sia...sayang sia...lau tak aku tak nangis every fucking single nyte juz cuz of hiz ignorant behaviour uh...tapi aku nangis air mata darah pon die tak kan tau...ape aku uat utk die pon dier tak tau...lelaki minta no. aku ape aku uat?aku ckp aku ader dier la sial..aku maner ader lyn lelaki sgt..aku pon da tak heran ngan drg...faizal ckp dulu dier nak tolong aku lupekan mon..pi skrg ngan perangai die ni mcm aku makin carik mon...aku nak org lyn aku...lyn aku nyer penat...lyn aku nyer mepek...lyn aku nyer manje...faizal tak penah uh uat ni mcm...tak penah nak romantic pon uh..die ckp die pendiam..k fine le accept..pi tak kan pendiam sampai tak msg sumer kan?...msg tak bbl pe...le tanye pe aku kt maner ke...da alik lom ke...msg uh...die pon jarang nak ckp die syg aku ke....rindu ke...2 sumer aku jugak yg nak kene ckp aru die ckp...dulu slalu suro aku cal....skrg da tak..aner ader lagi..aku rase die pon tak nak bbl ngan aku...sbb everytime kiter takde topic..jadik boring nak bbl pt tepon..dua2 rase boring...aku kadang2 bbl pon die diam..mcmne aku nak open up pt dier seh?mcmne aku nak blg dier masalah aku sumer?...sape nak dgr problem aku?..ader matair pon mcm takde siak....

2:47 PM Y

Post title : WAtZ D MeAnInG Of LifE?
You'll never know the real me.

ThE LoVe tHaT We sHaRe...
ThE ThOuGhTs tHaT We hAvE...
tHe pLaNs tHaT We mAkE...
Is iT All JuZ A PhAsE All CoUpLez Go tHrU..
tO GeT On wItH LiFe?..
Is iT All JuZ WoRdZ...
jUz tO MaKe oNe fEel BeTtEr?...

hAiZ....y doesnt he care?2dae is our 1st mth n he went out with other pple...I UnDeRsTaNd uH ThAt He wAnTZ 2 bUy BaJu kUrOnG BuT ..... hE CaN At lEaSt aSk mI AlOnG SiA..I feel so hurt ah that he chose to b ignorant in our relationship...Ive tried to do ALMOST everything to make this werk..but it seems like its no use..i feel tired aft doin all of it..it still doesnt make a difference...he told mi he dun like mi 2 cntact other guys..i dun...they cntact mi....i follow watever he wantz mi 2 do uh...everything that he dun like,i follow..watever i dun like.......*sigh*...doesnt matter la...
i feel like im juz going thru tiz relationship juz for the sake of it..he is not putting in the effort..im realli getting stress over thiz...he dun seem to notice..

i realli dun noe wat to sae...we almost broke up cuz of miscommunication....i tried to tell him wat i feel...he doesnt even look like he's listening...itz like he dun understand the words that r coming out of ma mouth...i hate that lah!!!!
SAYANG!!!!!haiz...i juz wish he understand mi...
he asked mi to call him n i did n then he juz kip qiuet.wth.im not saying that he is not nice or wat..itz juz tat he doesnt show...if nt only 4 awhile....i want him 2 b ma bf NOT sumbodi to ACT as my bf...

IzIn kAn dIrIkU MeLuAh kAn rAsA..
mAakKaN lA AkU AnDaI KaU TeRaSa..
bIaR Ku pApaRkAn aPa yG TeRjAdI...
mOgA eNgkAu tAk UlAnGi...

i lOvE HiM AlOt uH....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

3:00 AM Y

Post title : NeW Me...
You'll never know the real me.

NeW BlOg aDdY..NeW Me....

The WitnessY

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Known as => Seri Nurhidayah
Living In => Woodlands
Working At => Raffles Place
In Love With => Muhd Shamil Bin Rahmat

ZWANI.com - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes
Myspace Hearts Comments & Graphics

Silly Billy
Fashion Addict
Laughing Bunny
Crazie =)
Nonsense Smonsen
Emo Shit
Obssessive & Protective
Hot Tempered


=> Food!!
=> Cookies & Cream
=> Sun & The Beach
=> Listening To Music
=> Hanging Out With Friends
=> MONEY!!!! *Evil Laughter*
=> Family & Friends =)

I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.

Wants & NeedsY

Last Long With The Boyfy *Hugs*
Lots & Lots Of Money $$$$
New MP4
More Clothes!!

The GossipsY

They Say' Lets B***h!.

Hit It DJ!Y

Hate That I Love You - Rihanna Feat Neyo

Her ThanksY

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